Empowering families and changing lives
Excellence in education with Jesus.
Use the power of love to add power to your walk of faith. "Love is the energy of life and love is the energy of champions."
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Jesus and Genius use the power of love and the use of commands to help your family learn to release their GENIUS by developing and becoming an EXPERT LEARNER (GEL). Provide your family with tools to become successful spiritually, personally, academically, socially, and morally. Use Jesus and Genius to assist you with turning your family into a family of HEROES (Helping Everyone Reach their Optimum, Ethical, Spiritual and academic strength.) Jesus and Genius provides training to:
Improve family bonding
Enhance spiritual development
Use powerful positive productive self-talk to achieve goals.
Get a quick start with power development through the Powerful Seven
Develop strong and confident family members
Develop excellent listening skills and goal development
Good self-esteem through healthy self-evaluation.
Healthy analysis and decision making techniques.
Improve memory and recall
Improve public speaking and personal communication skills
Develop stronger Leadership and planning skills.
Improve time management
Improve your ability to become more innovative and creative.
Help you develop your learning ability to become world class.
Help you develop your best mind through training, practice, development, making necessary adjustments, improvement and growth.
Teach you how to listen, comprehend, think on your feet, innovate and create.
Fall in love with learning and discover that learning is beautiful.